Sensors and Smart Systems for AgriFood
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Programma di Sviluppo Rurale
FEASR Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 Misura 16 – Innovazione e Cooperazione Operazione 16.1.1 Costituzione, gestione e operatività dei gruppi operativi dei PEI Titolo…
Latest Achievements
@MiNES Group
Latest Achievements @MiNES Group Papers A. Tuoheti, S. Aiassa, F. Criscuolo, F. Stradolini, I. Tzouvadaki, S. Carrara, D. Demarchi. New Approach for Making Standard the Development of Biosensing Devices by a…
International and Academic Teaching
MiNES Group is involved in several courses at all Education Levels: Bachelor, Master, PhD. Academic Courses The most recent academic courses, held by MiNES Professors and Researchers are: Nanoelectronics, PhD School in…
Single Molecule Sensors and Molecular Devices
The activities on Single Molecule Sensors carried out by MiNES Group are at different levels, starting from the fabrication of nanoprobes (nanogaps) up to the molecular level modeling on nanodevices,…
Design and Realization of Biomedical Applications
MiNES Group is active in several branches of Biomedical Engineering. The trait d’union is the design of integrated low power electronic interfaces, in combination with the realization of innovative biosensors. The…
Bio-Inspired Electronics for Robotics and Biosignals
The idea behind bio-inspired electronics is to try to understand and reproduce nervous biological systems by means of integrated circuits with a kind of bottom-up approach, starting with simple neurons…
Integrated Systems for Ultra-Low Power IR-UWB
The focus of our research regards the design of CMOS integrated Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wide-Band (IR-UWB) systems for biomedical and portable applications. The transmitters and receivers are designed using both a standard…
Micro for Nano Integrated Sensors and Microdevices
Our Micro-for-Nano (M4N) approach wants to merge the innovative properties of nanomaterials for sensing at nanoscale with the reliability, low-cost and accuracy of CMOS electronics. The Dielectrophoresis (DEP) technique is…
ReadOut and Sensing Systems for Humanoid Robotics
Nowadays, sensors are an irreplaceable tool to acquire information on the external environment. In this context, Read-Out Circuits (ROCs) are necessary to transform the electrical characteristics of the sensor (capacitance,…