Damilano Alessia

Damilano Alessia

Ph.D. at Politecnico di Torino, Physics Engineering

Received the bachelor degree in Physics Engineering in 2011 and her Master degree in Nanotechnology for ICT's in 2013, both at Politecnico di Torino with final mark 110/110 with Summa cum Laude . During 2013 she was a visiting scholar at Khademhosseini Lab, MIT, Massachusetts, U.S.A., where she wrote her thesis “High precision, fluorescence-enabled portable mini microscope”. She started her Ph.D. in 2014 at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia@Polito, Center for Human Space Robotics, working as microelectronic designer for robotic applications, particularly, focusing her attention on sensors read-out circuits. She received Premium Optime in 2012 and 2014 as one of the best regional graduates in 2011-2012 and 2013-2014, respectively. In 2014 she was acknowledged as one of the best 1000 graduated students in Italy by Impresax1000 Ambrosetti and in 2005 she won the first position award in the national physics contest : “Women and Physics: a possible job”, (held by Physics Department in Torino University, UNESCO, Torino, IPAZIA center in Torino).

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Digital Microelectronic Designs 70%
Sensor read-out circuits 75%
Data Analysis & Electronic measurements 60%
Softwares: Cadence, Altium and Matlab 75%
Nanotechnology 75%