Farina Marco
Ph.D. at Politecnico di Torino, Electronics Engineering
Marco Farina received his master degree Biomedical Engineering (2014) at the Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy). In 2013 went to Houston Methodist Research Institute (Houston, TX) in quality of visiting scholar where he worked on his Master’s thesis with title “Implantable capsules for drug and cell release”.
Before enrolling in the Electric, Electronic and Communication Ph.D program at Politecnico di Torino in 2015, he continued working at Houston Methodist Research Institute as research assistant leading the Nanogland project. He was Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Torino, discussing his PhD on June 2018.
Under the supervision of Dr. Alessandro Grattoni and Prof. Danilo Demarchi, he prosecuted his research on the development of a novel polymeric encapsulation system for drug and cell release focusing on diabetes (Nanogland project). This implantable device, made by 3D printing technology, hosts and supports survival and function of pancreatic islets or mesenchyme stem cells differentiated into Islet-like-Insulin-producing-aggregates (ILIPA) achieving, In-Vivo, steady levels of insulin for at least 4 weeks. This implantable system is an effective and innovative approach for diabetes cell therapy. Mr. Farina also developed a patented method and apparatus for the fail-safe termination of In-Vivo drug delivery from an implantable drug delivery system and a telemedicine medical device to improve quality of wound care.